Mobile IV Therapy
How often can I receive IV therapy?
How often can you receive IV therapy? Well… it depends!Acute illness, like food poisoning, flu, hangover, or a cold? One treatment may help rehydrate you enough to push through, or call us on back-to-back days if you’re suffering with diarrhea or vomiting that just won’t relent.Migraines? It works best if you call us as soon…
Read MoreALA IV Therapy
ALPHA LIPOIC ACID (ALA) IV THERAPY Overview Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) is found in all human cells – it helps turn nutrients into energy! But ALA is also a potent antioxidant – and it’s one of the only antioxidants that is both fat- and water-soluble, so it works it’s antioxidant magic in any cell or…
Read MoreGolf & Dehydration
You already know golf & dehydration is a major issue, especially here in Scottsdale & Phoenix. A day in the sun, maybe a few adult beverages, and never enough cold bottles of water can take their toll and leave you feeling pretty cruddy. But can dehydration actually affect your golf game? YES IT CAN! And…
Read MorePeoria IV Therapy
Peoria IV Therapy Do you live in Phoenix’s West Valley? Wherever you’re at in the West Valley, Prana IV Therapy will come to you! We offer mobile IV service all over Phoenix, including Peoria IV therapy. Our team of RNs is always ready to bring IV therapy to your Peoria home, office or hotel and…
Read MoreGlendale IV Therapy
Glendale IV Therapy No matter where you live in the Phoenix metro area, we come to you! We offer mobile IV service all over Phoenix, including mobile IV therapy in Glendale, Arizona! We actually have a distributed team of IV professionals located across the valley, so there is always someone in your area, ready to…
Read MoreAt Home Flu Remedies
At Home Flu Remedies It’s another bad flu season here in Phoenix! While there’s no prefect way to ensure you don’t fall victim, here are some simple at home flu remedies & flu prevention tactics you can now take to protect yourself: Get a flu shot. Flu shots are statistically the single best way to…
Read MoreChandler IV Therapy
Chandler IV Therapy Prana IV Therapy offer mobile IV service all over Phoenix, including Chandler IV therapy! Our team of RNs is there is always someone in your area, ready to bring IV therapy to your home, office or hotel and help you feel better fast! About Chandler, Arizona Chandler, Arizona is one of the…
Read MoreStomach Flu or Influenza?
IV Fluids for Stomach Flu or Influenza Stomach flu vs flu – the terms are commonly used interchangeably, but did you know they are actually very different illnesses? The stomach flu is essentially a catch-all term for Viral Gastroenteritis – a fancy way of saying a stomach virus. There are a number of viruses that…
Read MoreMesa IV Therapy
Mesa IV Therapy Need Mesa IV therapy? You’re in luck! We now offer mobile, in-home IV service all over the entire Phoenix area, including mobile Mesa IV Therapy service! Prana IV Therapy has mobile RNs located in Mesa, ready to bring mobile IV therapy to your home, office or hotel! About Mesa, Arizona Mesa, Arizona…
Read MoreGilbert IV Therapy
Gilbert IV Therapy Live or work in the East Valley? Looking for IV therapy Gilbert? Wherever you live in Phoenix, Prana IV Therapy comes to you! We offer mobile IV therapy service all over Phoenix, including mobile IV therapy in Gilbert, Arizona! Our RNs are located across the valley, so there is always someone in…
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